Thursday, January 26, 2012

Think Success and Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Years ago, in his presentation entitled "The Strangest Secret," personal development pioneer Earl Nightingale presented a radical concept:


Where most people think the formula for success is in the actions they take, Nightingale brought out a seldom-mentioned truth, that success begins with your thinking. It's critical to think success above all.

This is logical from the perspective that you can't get some place if you don't have any idea where you'd like to go. You could compare moving through life without any objectives in mind to captaining a ship without a steering wheel. In the absence of success thinking and setting goals, there is no way that you are going to create much success.

It's a proven fact that fewer than five out of a hundred people have any goals, and it's no surprise that a corresponding number lead pretty ordinary lives. To avoid falling into the lower 95%, use your head. Decide what you want to achieve, come up with some goals and get on a course to accomplish them.

Keys for Realizing Your Dreams with Success Thinking

1. DEVELOP YOUR THINKING and avoid doing the things most people are doing. The trap with this tip is that most individuals are programmed from childhood to expect to have an ordinary life, and you are undoubtedly reading this article because you'd like more. Thinking successfully begins with understanding that you've got to head in a different direction to produce different results than everyone else.

2. BUILD CONFIDENCE in your potential for achieving success. You may be hesitant about setting goals because you think you'll never accomplish them. From this point of view, it's easier to settle for a routine life, but it misses a vitally important point. You are an extraordinary human being who deserves everything good. The truth is that this is a friendly universe that wants us to live fully and to grow. Thinking successfully includes increasing your awareness of your strengths and utilizing them to reach for your dreams.

3. ACCESS A SUCCESS MODEL with a proven track record. This is another confusing concept, when you think about it. Most people go through life attempting to reinvent the wheel when they could be following in the footprints of people who have gone where they want to go. Success thinking includes exploring different avenues and finding the shortest route to your goals.

4. DON'T GET STUCK trying to figure out exactly how everything will happen. Just go as far as you can see and more steps will appear. This is one more place where a lot of people go astray with success thinking. They put off starting on the road to their goals, because they can't see any way that they'll be able to get there.

5. AVOID THE "NO TIME" TRAP. Because most people are not thinking positively, they aren't aware how much time they are spending doing things that are not taking them in the direction of their dreams. When you create a list of goals and determine where you want to go, the success secret here is to prioritize your time doing things that head you in the direction of your goals. If this means saying no to the things you've been doing that aren't taking you anywhere, do it. You will develop a greater sense of self-assurance and excitement knowing that you are heading toward your brightest possible future.


Follow this link to discover how you can access the amazing potential of SUCCESS THINKING.

You can also listen to a the original audio presentation of Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret" at