Thursday, May 26, 2011

Creating a Successful Wellness Business with Five Foundational Strategies

  • Have you ever thought of developing your own wellness business? 
  • Would you enjoy showing people how to be more vibrantly healthy and alive? 
 If this sounds good, you probably love people and enjoy helping them to improve their lives.

And if you are enterprising, it's likely that you are innovative, creative, and prosperity minded, too. You can probably imagine how great it would feel to have your own business and make a real difference in peoples' lives. On the other hand, you may also know that most new businesses fail. And you'd like to know how can you turn this likelihood of failure into an opportunity for success.

This is a perfect place to start. With a bit of business sense, you can reap the rewards of building on a strong foundation for years to come.

Five Foundational Strategies for Creating a Successful Wellness Business

1. Focus first on developing a success mindset. Success author Tony Robbins teaches that your thinking is the biggest key to success. It's smart to start here, learning how to think success, and building confidence in your possibilities. Wallace Wattles' classic book, The Science of Getting Rich, is an excellent resource for learning how to think and act to create success.

2. Aim to help people to solve a problem. As you master your success mindset, you will also realize that people become successful by helping people to find solutions to their problems. Maybe you have expertise in a specific area and know how to help others to overcome this problem. Then, to get clients or customers, you also have to give them something they want. Learn everything you can about these people, so you can give them what they want and what they need.

3. Start with a success formula with a positive track record. Many new business owners try to figure it out on their own and reinvent the wheel. this is the hard way. To optimize your energy, time, and dollars, walk in the footsteps of people who done what you want to do.

4. Choose your friends and business associates wisely. Studies show that you become like the people who are closest to you. Build relationships with successful people who can support you and help you.

5. Treat your business like a business and act like a professional. Successful people commit to doing what it takes to make their businesses a success. You have to be open to learning some new things to become a true professional.

Going back to the first point, it starts within you. And if you are paying attention, spending time with successful people will change you in wonderful ways. You can progress much more quickly if your heart and soul are in the right place.

You can also eliminate fear and anxiety with a powerful method known as the Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT, as it is commonly called, can also become a great tool for your wellness business. It works by tapping on a sequence of points on the face and upper body. And it has proved itself to be effective with a wide range of troubling emotions, as well as many physical symptoms.

Your Next Steps

Want to get into a cutting-edge Wellness Business that will help you with all of the five foundational strategies?

CLICK HERE and complete the survey to get a complementary Planning Session.

More Resources

Follow this link to another article on Creating a Successful Health and Wellness Business.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Becoming a Holistic Spiritual Coach: Three Essential Lessons

People often set out in the healing and coaching professions with the desire to helping people, This is a great desire and a noble goal that you can feel good about. You can completely transform lives as a holistic spiritual coach. But this is only part of the picture.

Are you considering the possibility of becoming a holistic spiritual coach? Could this be your passion in life, the thing that can create the most fulfilling life you can imagine?

Then there is another fact that is equally wonderful and critically important to understand. Your life will be transformed by the things you will learn along the way. To participate in others' journeys to oneness, you need to remain open to the same within yourself.

Three Important Learnings For Holistic Spiritual Coaches

1. It starts inside you. To assist others to open fully to existing with the infinite possibilities of spirit, you must learn to live more fully yourself. As you free yourself of perceived limits that have kept you down, you learn more about how you can teach others to do this, too.

2. Your understanding of infinite possibilities is your greatest gift to those you serve. As a holistic spiritual coach, you accompany your clients on their paths to self-discovery and to experiencing life to the fullest. You promote integration of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. This helps those you serve to move forward in ways that would previously have been imaginable. Your awareness of your clients’ unique genius stays with them until they fully believe it independently.

3. Your ultimate coaching goal is to teach clients to become fully independent and outgrow their need for you. This means you must know how to accomplish this, too. With this inner strength, as you help others to create and attain goals, you can also teach them how to accomplish these things independently. Then, when the time is right, they can step out on their own with all the skills they need to create the most amazing results they could ever imagine.

Does becoming a Holistic Spiritual Coach sound interesting?

It’s much, much more than that! You are looking at one of the most rewarding of all possible professions. Imagine the fulfillment of teaching people to create amazing lives and make the world a better place.
If this profession sounds appealing to you, here is a final thought. Take steps now to make your dream a reality. If you can see that there is no time like the present and move bravely in the direction of your dream, any obstacles that seem to be blocking your path will disappear.

The critical key is to start. The other key is to never give up. If realizing your dream of becoming a holistic spiritual coach is your main purpose in life, the only way to go is forward. And the rewards can surpass your wildest dreams!

More Articles and Resources:

* What is a Spiritual Coach?

* What Do You Get When You Combine a Holistic Coaching Course with EFT Training?

Also be sure to sign up for your free copy of the Heart of Success Roadmap in the right column of this page or by following the link.